Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The War on Dishes (Part 2)

As I mentioned in Part 1, dishes (and laundry) have always been a struggle for me.  [I'm sure there is some deep, psychological reason for this, but I don't have time to research all of my various quirks, or else I'd never get ANYthing done!]  We have ENOUGH dishes that I can go for a couple of days (usually, if we're not all eating 3 meals/day at home) without running out.  {SPOONS seem to be the exception!  So, I bought more spoons.  Cheating?  Maybe.  But, it couldn't be helped.}

The problem these days (as I mentioned before) is that we don't have a dishwasher.  And, I HONESTLY believed (when we moved in here, a couple months ago) that it wouldn't be a huge struggle to just "wash dishes after every meal" or "wash dishes as you go," but it HAS turned out to be a HUGE struggle!  I think I stayed on top of it for the first week or so, and I was even able to convince my children to help out.  (They were on a week-long break from school when we first moved in.  Now, with school/homework, bath-time, etc., getting them into a daily ROUTINE of helping with dishes has NOT happened.)  However, as of this moment, I am WAY behind.  [Yes, I realize that I should be washing dishes instead of typing right now.  Another "quirk," which could explain a lot!]  

Let's get back to the "kids helping out" part of this discussion.  [Do you like how I call this a "discussion," even though it's really a "monologue"?  It helps me to think that you have some input, dear reader!  It's okay if you DON'T.  It just helps my process to THINK that you do!]  {I digress....}  So, the fact that I can't get our "evening routine" solidified enough to include my kids helping out with dishes is REALLY the thing that bothers me MORE than the fact that I can't seem to stay caught up with the dishes.  [Yes, this just turned into an "I sort of feel like a bad Mom" moment.  Sorry.]  So, not only do I feel like I'm not doing a good job as a "housewife," but I also feel like I'm not doing a good job as a PARENT.  I'm not asking for you to send me messages of affirmation or anything like that... I'm just reflecting here.  And, that's all I'll say about it, for now.

{Oh.  By the way, when I wrote Part 1 of this post, I thought I was going in a  completely different direction.  I had concocted a plan to help keep up on the dishes better, but it only lasted one day... so I had to abandon that "draft post" and come up with this new, whinier version!  Aren't you glad you're spending your precious time reading this???}


Part 2.5

Well, a few days have passed since I first started drafting this post.  Night before last, I washed dishes for three hours after kids/husband went to bed (stayed up WAY too late... but it was fine because I was watching a guilty pleasure on my phone-- yes, I had it propped up in the window sill!), and I STILL didn't get them ALL washed!  But, at least my counter-top isn't littered with dirty dishes now.  [You might be thinking, "Sheesh!  How many dishes does this woman HAVE???", and I can honestly say that I don't think I have many more dishes than the average household.]

Here was my "plan" that lasted less than 24 hours, initially:  Even if there is a PILE of dirty dishes on the counter/under the sink (yes, there are STILL dishes under my sink right now!), after each meal (or, at the very least, after DINNER), wash the dishes from THAT meal-- including pots/pans used to PREPARE the food.  My husband and two older kiddos wash their PLATES after dinner every night (his rule), but I noticed that what was piling up were my pots/pans, big spoons, etc., because only *I* am responsible for washing those! The thought behind this "plan" is that if I only think of "one meal at a time" and not focus on the gads of misc. dishes that might also need to be washed, it won't be so overwhelming (for me OR my kids).  So, last night, my oldest daughter (she's 11) finished her homework BEFORE dinner (a rarity), and I had her help me wash up the dishes-- JUST the ones from dinner (hence the remaining dishes under the sink).  She wasn't thrilled about it, but after we got our rhythm going (I washed, she rinsed), it didn't take long, and I enjoyed our conversation.  So, hopefully, this will be something we can continue, and it can also be a chance for me to stand side-by-side with one of my kiddos for 10-15 minutes every night... and THAT is a good thing.  <3

This "struggle" may seem so trivial to some of you, but I'm trying to figure out how to make things work for ME.  So, please pardon the simplicity of these last few posts.  I hope to get up out of this ditch soon and gain back some creativity!

Until next time....

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The War on Dishes

{5-minute post}

I've always struggled with keeping up with laundry and dishes.  I know this is not an uncommon problem, as PLENTY of my friends commiserate.  I will admit, however, that before we moved from Washington to Arkansas, I was doing TREMENDOUSLY better in both areas.  Then... we moved in with my parents for three months and were basically living out of suitcases, so I did a load of laundry every-other-day, and I felt like it was easier to "keep up,"... but I STILL struggled with getting it folded and put away!  For SOME reason, that part continued to befuddle me....

NOW, we have ALL of our clothing at our disposal once again, and it is AMAZING how much laundry can pile up on the couch... and yet we STILL have nearly-full closets and dressers... PLUS there are piles of DIRTY clothes still waiting to be WASHED!  [And, before any of you neat-nicks suggest that I simply "get rid of some clothes," let me stop you there.  I KNOW we need to get rid of some things.  That's NOT what I'm talking about today.  Thank you. Carry on.]

TODAY, I want to talk about dishes.  Since we moved into this house two months ago, I've struggled as much (if not MORE) with keeping up with dishes because we have NO DISHWASHER.  I told my husband when we moved in, "Oh, it won't be that big of a deal.  We can just teach the girls to help out with the dishes.  It will be fine."

Well, friends, let me tell you that it most definitely is not FINE!

{Shoot.  My 5 minutes is up.  I'll have to continue this later.  I haven't even gotten into the meat n' potatoes!}

Until next time....


Friday, January 24, 2014

Laundry Day-- Take 2 (5-minute post)

{Click here to learn about the "5-minute post."}

Well, my second attempt at doing ALL of my laundry (wash, dry, fold, put away) in ONE DAY (Monday) was a GIANT failure!  And, now I think my brain hurts....

Why the brain pain?  Well, apparently, when I get an idea of how things "should be" stuck in my head, I obsess over it if it isn't EXACTLY that way in my "real life."  So, even though I didn't get the laundry done because I was PROCRASTINATING and doing OTHER (less important) things instead of staying focused on the laundry (rebellion?)... I still beat myself over the head (figuratively) for not "getting it all done"-- as if I had tried my very best and failed.  NO!  I didn't TRY my very best!  I gave it a half-way effort... and the results were EXACTLY what I should've expected.  But, still... I was disappointed.

I hate for this to be a "woe is me" post (which is why I haven't written in several days), but I want to be honest here... and this is how it IS in my world right now:  I have a nocturnal toddler (naps are sporadic, so he often is awake past 10:00 p.m.); my house is a mess; and since I started this "lifestyle change" competition, all I can think about is FOOD!  Plus, I've been staying up WAY too late (it's almost midnight now), and I'm not getting enough sleep.  All of those things add up to "weight gain" in my world-- and maybe a little crabbiness.  ;)

I guess you could say I'm in a good ol' fashioned FUNK.  Have you ever been there?  Are you trackin' with me?  I'm not "depressed."  I just don't feel like DOING anything.  Sitting on the couch and watching t.v. sounds like a good idea, but I don't DO that-- instead, I try to plow through my day ANYway, although I move at the pace of an ant trying to slog its way through molasses on a cold winter's day....

The good news is THIS, though:  I actually remembered to take all of my vitamins today, and I DID notice an increase in energy!  So, I'm encouraged by THAT.  I'm going to try to keep at that habit and see if it helps to get me out of this funk.

Okay, my 5 minutes is up.  Sorry if this post is boring/sad.  I'm not very creative when I'm in a funk!  Feel free to unsubscribe.

No!  Wait!  Just kidding.  I don't REALLY want you to go away!  I like knowing that people are reading my sad commentary....  ;)

{Please send chocolate.}

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Elephant-- Part 3 (sort of)

I've started this post in my head about 40 times.  But, I just haven't been able to muster the energy to tackle it FULLY until now.  And, quite honestly, I'm still feeling pretty wobbly and am not entirely sure about what I'm going to say....

I'll start with something basic:  "the plan."

As I alluded to in my previous posts (see part 1 and part 2), I've struggled with not only LOSING weight but with even having the energy to ATTEMPT to lose weight.  I had previous successes with several plans:
  • Weight Watchers (lost about 13 pounds in just a few weeks)
  • Curves (not sure how much weight I lost, but I certainly felt better... much of which should probably be credited to the TANNING BED that they also offered!  Hey, as Beth Moore says, "Tan fat is ALWAYS better than white fat.")
  • Atkins diet (not sure of the number, but it all came back with a vengeance!)
  • Somersize diet/lifestyle (was a weird food-combining concept, but it worked!)
  • The ol' fashioned, "expend more calories than you take in" diet-- you know, EXERCISE and don't EAT as much (calorie-counting)-- using My Fitness Pal-- which was also successful, but I felt like I was OBSESSING over calories, servings, etc.  It was very mentally draining....  
  • And, then there was Paleo/Primal.  I could see myself eating a "mostly" Paleo/Primal diet for the rest of my life.  I think there is value in it.  But, it was hard to maintain when no one else in my family was inclined to give up their bread.  So, the bottom line is that I was discouraged and gave in to the "mockers."
While I would like to go back to Paleo/Primal eating, I have a couple concerns:
  1. It's expensive.  I know that some people would disagree, but let me give you one huge example:  A small head of cauliflower (a very popular Paleo "starch") costs $2.99 and will probably last for two meals (for just ME).  A 5-lb bag of rice is $3.79 and will probably last for 10-12 meals for my ENTIRE FAMILY.  So, while I LOVE cauliflower... I can't afford to serve it more than twice a week without going broke!  Cabbage is another favorite "starch" substitute, and it DOES last longer (and is cheaper) than cauliflower, but it's still not as cheap as RICE. 
  2. Eating Paleo makes it difficult to eat at restaurants and other people's homes.  Period.  Sure, you can plan ahead and bring your own food when you visit... but, it's awkward.  And, if you're a "Paleo Purist," eating at a restaurant is VERY difficult, and the wait-staff will HATE you!
So, what can a person who mostly believes in Paleo/Primal eating (except for the obvious evolutionary viewpoint behind it) but can't really DO IT do?  Well, here's what I AM doing:

  • Serving my family as many "whole foods" as possible.  Now, when I say "whole foods," I mean food that hasn't been "messed with" too much-- so I consider, say, canned tomatoes  a "whole food."  [Note:  don't confuse "whole food" with "raw food."  That's something else altogether....]
  • Avoiding overly-processed foods.  This may seem redundant, but I have to emphasize this to mySELF, so I'm making it a separate bullet-point here.  The allure of pre-fab foods (corndogs, frozen burritos, etc.) is SO tempting-- especially when you're raising three starving children on a very tight budget!  When my girls (now 8 and 11) get home from school, they want something to eat, and they want it NOW.  [And, I won't lie:  I have frozen burritos in my freezer right this second. We're obviously still working on this one!]  But, here's a free tip:  If something has more than 4 ingredients, we should probably skip it.
  • Trying to slowly cut out wheat.  Now, this is a TOUGH ONE.  And, we are at the VERY beginning of it, as a family, but I'm encouraged by the willingness I'm seeing-- especially my husband's.  Yesterday, in fact, I cooked pulled pork to take to my sister's house to watch a football game (Go, Seahawks!), and I asked my husband if I should get TWO packages of buns (for sandwiches) or just ONE.  (There would be a total of 10 people eating, and one package of buns contains eight.)  He said, "Well, WE aren't eating buns, are we?"  Yaaaaaaay!  [Coincidentally, neither of my girls opted for the bun, even though the other kids were having them-- another "yaaaaay!" is in order!]  There are several health issues we are facing in my family-- from chronic skin ailments to chronic digestive problems-- and I'm convinced that cutting out wheat (gluten) could possibly help with some-- if not ALL-- of these things.  So, we're giving it the ol' college try....
  • Leaning toward organic produce, when possible.  This was easier when we lived in the Pacific Northwest (with a Trader Joe's right around the corner).  Living in a more rural area makes this harder during WINTER, but we plan to grow our OWN FOOD, come spring, so hopefully this will become easier.
  • Looking for more "responsibly-raised" meat/poultry.  This should be easier here, too, but it is also more expensive... so it's on our "when we can" list of things to do.
  • Relying LESS on dairy as a source of protein/filler... and possibly buying raw dairy when we can afford it.  (There IS a dairy farm that sells raw milk around here, but I've not taken the plunge yet.) 
  • Using lots and lots and lots of AMAZING Paleo-friendly recipes/resources, because there are so many awesome recipes that use clean, whole, delicious foods.  THIS is a favorite book, and THIS is a favorite website.  :)
If we were truly Paleo/Primal, we also wouldn't eat beans (legumes) or grains, but that's just not possible right now.  They're CHEAP.  I'd like to experiment with properly prepared grains and legumes and see if that helps them to digest more easily.  But, that's a whole other post....

So, back to the "weight loss competition" I've entered (and I'll wrap up this boring post):  It is through doTERRA, a company for which I've been an Independent Product Consultant for almost a year now.  The product line I am using is called, "Slim & Sassy."  I am using the Slim & Sassy Metabolic Blend essential oil (internally), as well as the Slim & Sassy TrimShake.  [Yes, this is technically a "processed food," but I'm just testing it out, for purposes of the competition.]  I will also be using another oil blend, Zendocrine, which helps to detoxify.  Along with these products, I will be incorporating exercise into my routine and will hopefully instill habits that will extend beyond the 3-month-long competition-- hence the "lifestyle change" aspect.  The competition started last Wednesday (January 15), but I'm having a slow time getting started.  I borrowed a fitness ball last night, and I'm going to begin with some fairly simple ball exercises and incorporate more "movement" in a few days.  I'll keep you posted!

Okay, I'm so bored with this post, and I'm so glad it's over.  Sorry!  I hope I've not bored YOU to tears as well!  Perhaps you can feel the angst behind it... if so, I hope you will encourage me/pray for me along this journey toward a more fit, fun, fabulous ME.  :)

Until next time....   :)

Friday, January 17, 2014

My first-ever "Laundry Day"

{Today's post is a "bonus post"-- a break in between "Elephant, Part 2" and "...Part 3."  I am hosting a birthday party this afternoon (for my oldest daughter, who turns 11), so I haven't quite finished composing Part 3.  Enjoy this break from my weight-woes!}

So, thanks to "A Slob Comes Clean," I decided to try doing laundry only ONE day each week.  This is not a NEW concept.  Lots of "organized" people I know do it this way.  The problem is that I know I am NOT organized (outwardly), so I've never been willing to try it.  But, Nony convinced me to go for it because SHE is so much like ME.  I figured that if SHE can do it, then I can, TOO!  HERE are the results:  (I only wish I'd taken pictures!  I will next week.)

I started on Sunday evening by washing a load of towels because, as Nony says, "Who cares if towels get wrinkled in the dryer overnight???"  [And, no it's not "cheating" to start on Sunday night... it's just SMART!]  So far, so good.  I felt great about my progress!  I even put a SECOND load in before I headed to bed.

Monday morning, before 7:00 a.m., I switched out the towels, put the next load in the dryer and started another load.  Woo hoo!

I already had TWO baskets full of clothes in my bedroom that needed to be put away (from God-only-knows how long ago), so I dumped the baskets on my bed (which didn't have sheets on it because I was giving THEM  a long-overdue washing, too!), to be folded later.

Here's where things start to get hairy:  After I got the third load going, I remembered that I had an online project that was due soon, so I had to take advantage of baby boy's nap-time and complete that project.  So, the laundry came to a virtual stand-still... and NONE of it had been folded yet.

Then, at around 3:00 p.m. I remembered that I had a Ladies Meeting at church that night, for which I needed to BAKE something!  So, I started looking for a recipe*...

Then my girls came home from school.

And baby boy woke up from his nap.

And then Husband came home from work.

And... the laundry was piling up on my bed like snow being shoved aside by a snow-plow.

I DID manage to get all of the laundry WASHED.  And DRIED.

I told Husband, as I ran out the door for the Ladies Meeting (for the SECOND time, as I had forgotten the muffins I had so painstakingly prepared when I left the FIRST time), "Don't move the laundry... I WILL fold it when I get home!"

And, I'm happy to report that I DID fold most of it.  But, today is Friday, and the girls have a basket of laundry in their room still waiting to be put away (THEIR job), and baby boy's laundry is still waiting to be FOLDED.

So far, I see NO advantage to "once a week laundry," except that I don't have to THINK about doing any laundry until NEXT Monday!

Hopefully, it gets better....  :)

 *{I settled on Oat Bran Muffins.  Who takes Oat Bran Muffins  to a church potluck... in the SOUTH???  I keep forgetting that I don't live in the tree-hugging, Birkenstock-wearing, granola-loving Pacific Northwest.  I should've taken BISCUITS... soaked in butter.}

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Elephant-- Part 2

As I said in my previous post, I was fairly oblivious to the fact that my weight gain was a health problem-- until multiple physicians mentioned it to me.  Upon each mention, I at first felt angry.  Who do they think they ARE-- telling me that I'm "obese"???  They don't KNOW me!  How DARE they make such an accusation!

Yeah.  We call that "denial."

{Now, I'll get up on my soap box here for a minute, and then I promise to hop right down.}  It took nearly a DECADE for me to finally decide that I needed to REALLY do something about my weight.  Despite multiple physicians (family dr., ObGyn, chiropractor, sleep dr.) trying to tell me that my weight was impacting my health-- albeit in seemingly small ways (I've been pretty lucky, actually)-- it wasn't until *I* decided that it was time to do something that I really started to make changes.  [The "changes" didn't last for long, but I'll get back to that.]  I think that physicians approach this in the wrong way.  {The exception to this is a Naturopath that I saw for a season; his approach was different.  I'll get to that in a minute, too.}  Each time a physician mentioned my weight, I felt hurt, insulted, violated in some way-- NOT "motivated."  Now, I know that that's not reasonable.  A doctor's JOB is to help us improve our health, and if there is a very OBVIOUS thing that can be done, then they are, of course, obligated to TELL us about it.  But, the way they go about it seems to be WRONG.  I don't really have a recommended alternative, but I really wish there were a better way for doctors to present this to their patients.  {Stepping down from soap box now.}

The Naturopath, Dr. Sharif, approached my weight issue from a completely different perspective, and HE was not the one to bring it up:  I was.  And, from day 1, the seemingly-simple goal of, "just lose weight, and you'll feel tons better!" was NOT our primary goal.  Dr. Sharif (and most natural medicine practitioners) wanted to heal things in my body from the inside out-- to first focus simply on "improving health."  Once my body was functioning better, it would be more prepared to lose weight.

Unfortunately, I was not able to do ALL of the things that Dr. Sharif recommended because of financial constraints... and, quite honestly, I just wasn't completely READY at the time.  I continued to see him occasionally, but I didn't complete any intensive therapy to help with my weight-loss.  However, I DID learn a lot from him, and I still think of things that he suggested that I can do to improve my health.  He is NOT a fan of consuming wheat (or any gluten, really) or dairy.  Both of those things cause inflammation (and are highly irritating, otherwise).  And, lo and behold, when I cut those things out of my diet, I DID lose weight, and it was pretty darn effortless!

Now enter, "Paleo Diet and Lifestyle."  I had heard about Paleo (vaguely), but before I even knew what it really was, I saw a cookbook on a friend's kitchen counter, and I was curious, so I went home and looked it up.  After some research, I thought, "Oh, that looks interesting."  And, a YEAR (or more) passed by before I even considered actually DOING IT!

When I finally DID decide to "do something different," it wasn't because some doctor was harping at me.  [Side note:  even after I had lost more than TWENTY pounds, when I went to see my sleep dr. again, he didn't even MENTION it!  Jerk.]  What motivated me was my (then) almost-one-year-old baby boy and a desire to BE BETTER for him (and for my two daughters... but I felt more of an "urgency" because he was becoming more mobile, and keeping up with him was becoming more and more of a challenge for me).  I decided that I was tired of being exhausted all the time; I was tired of looking in the mirror and feeling disgusted with myself; I was tired of wanting to CRY every time I saw a picture of myself.  It was time for CHANGE.

The change I chose (about 1 year ago today) was to try Paleo, cold-turkey.  Sort of.  If you've ever looked into Paleo, you probably thought to yourself, "What on earth will I EAT?  No milk, yogurt, cheese, bread, potatoes, rice, oatmeal, popcorn...???  How will I LIVE?  I'll be a skinny DEAD person!"  So, a little preparation was in order, for sure.  And, honestly, I started by ADDING IN things to my diet-- focusing more on leafy green veggies, nuts/seeds, fresh and dried fruit; kombucha, bone broth, healthy fats, etc., rather than REMOVING things.  Then, over the next few weeks, every few days, I would remove something from my diet.  I think the elimination order was this:  gluten (wheat), dairy, refined sugars, legumes, grains, then UNhealthy fats.

Pause:  If you're expecting this to be a "Paleo success story," let me stop you right here.  I stuck with Paleo for 2 (maybe 3) months faithfully, and I DID lose weight-- about 23 pounds-- and I felt GREAT!  But, I started getting lazy, and despite my weight-loss, my family was NOT inclined to cut things out of THEIR diet, so I was feeling lonely and discouraged.  I was having to spend a LOT more time planning, shopping, prepping, to maintain my habits... and it was just too much to handle at the time.  So, I slowly started giving in to the "no-no" foods.  Fast-forward one year, and I have gained back all but 6 pounds of the weight that I had lost.  BUT, I don't see it as a Paleo failure.  The problem wasn't Paleo.  It was ME.

Okay, this will have to be continued at a later time.  I didn't know this was going to be a "series" of posts... but, I guess I have a lot to say!

In Part 3:  I'll tell you what I'm doing NOW to lose weight (hopefully forever).  Tomorrow's post will be a *bonus* (unrelated) post, and then I'll finish up "Elephant."  :)

Bon jour!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Let's Talk About The Elephant in the Room (5 min. post)

* (5 minute post= I could spend a LOT of time obsessing over what/how to write every.single.word in meanwhile laundry and dishes go undone... toddler runs amok... husband wonders why I'm still in my PJs at 5:00 p.m.  So, while I WANT to post thoughtful/clever/witty banter every single day, it might not work with my lifestyle.  Here's my compromise:  I'm giving myself FIVE minutes to get a good idea rolling.  Whatever "flows" within that 5 minutes will post live at 6:00 a.m. the following morning if I don't get back to it before then!  Here's my very first 5-minute post.)

Well, I did it.  I'm not sure WHY I did it.  Well, actually, I DO know why I did it.  I want to WIN.  That's why.

I signed up for a weight-loss ("lifestyle change") competition.  This is something that I've rejected on principle for YEARS.  I don't like people playing games with their body/health.  However, I'm making an exception, for ONE reason:  First prize is $1500 CASH, plus some other really cool stuff.  I. WANT. TO. WIN.  :)

[I'll tell you more about the competition and what I'm doing in future posts.  Today's post is just an "intro to fluffy me."]

I can't exactly tell you when it first started-- the weight-gain, that is.  Obviously, it started happening AFTER high school.  And you're probably thinking, "Right.  EVERYone gains weight after HS.  Big deal."  But, for me, it was something that I didn't even NOTICE right away.  I didn't notice until after marriage #1.  Within the first year of that marriage, I am pretty sure I gained 20 pounds, if not more.  Then, I think I put on 20 more pounds before the marriage ended.  So, that's a good 40 lbs. in 3 years.

After the divorce, I lost a few pounds-- maybe 15 or 20.  And, I think I kept that off for a few years.  But, then when I got married again, I put on "happy weight" which included that 15 pounds that I'd lost, plus some.  THEN, I had kids.  Bring on another 40 pounds.  As of yesterday (the last time I weighed myself), I weigh about 12 pounds less than I did the day BEFORE I gave birth to my third child.  And he weighed 9 pounds at birth.  YOU do the math....

*Okay, 5 minutes is up!  If I don't come back, you'll have to stay tuned for "the rest of the story."